Sunday, November 25, 2007


So, a lot has happened since my last blog... Kate turned 8!!! And, my KITCHEN IS DONE!!! Well, relatively speaking. The back splash isn't completely done and there is a few little odds and ends that need to be done, but I officially cooked Thanksgiving dinner!! I think that should count for something. I posted pictures of both momentous occasions. Kate's party was a huge success. I can't believe that she is 8 years old already (and not because I haven't lost the baby weight yet) because she is still that little premature 4 lb. nothing that I could pick-up with one hand and I thought would never gain weight. Why is it that when they are little like that we don't believe people when they tell us that they grow so fast because we think that we are going to be stuck in that poop and vomit hell forever. But, then we blink and they are 8 and wanting shiny lipstick and clothes instead of toys for Christmas. When did I turn into that Mom? The Mom that I remember growing up with, the one that I still remember having, not the one that I am becoming!! I am okay with being the Mom of babies, but the Mom of a girl that wants lipstick and a boy that is getting emails from girls and on the verge on needing DEODORANT!! What is this world becoming. I can't possibly be old enough for that!!

Okay, I am done with my little tirade. I am sorry about that. Now about my slide show. Kate's party. She invited all the girls in her 3rd grade class. And a few boys. I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a crush between Kate and the boy in the striped shirt; however, as you can see he took quite a beating at the party. Kate has a great group of girlfriends in her class and I am grateful for that. It was a High School Musical Party and by all the screaming and laughing my guess is that it was a huge hit.

My kitchen, what can I say... I have never been happier. I have a friend who's brother had to take a job in another town and his wife refused to move so she said that he should go (because he was going to make a ton more money) and that she was going to stay "for the children." I told Ryan when the kitchen was done that if ever his job made us move that I was going to have to stay "for the kitchen!" It is such a delight not only to have a kitchen back but to have a dream kitchen to boot!! I want you all over to celebrate!! So, know that as soon as it is officially done and I get my act together I am going to have a party and you are all invited!! Enjoy the pictures and feel free to add oooo's and ahhh's in the comment section!

Oh, and it has been a while so I will put in a Movie Quote, I won't disappoint.

"Yeah, you gave me the wrong suitcase. Uh-huh. Yes, it's a black Samsonite. Uh-huh. OK, well don't you think that the Samsonite people, in some crazy scheme in order to make a profit MADE MORE THAN ONE BLACK SUITCASE!?"

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I've Been Tagged!!!

So as you all know my life has been a little crazy and I was tagged actually a few weeks ago and I feel bad because I haven't responded. I am finally getting around to doing it now. So, Starr, I am sorry for not doing it sooner. Here it goes...

4 Places I have lived:
  1. Las Vegas, Nevada
  2. Washington D.C.
  3. Palo Alto, California
  4. Salt Lake City, Utah

4 Jobs I have had:

  1. Recreation Center Sports Liaison
  2. Marketing Administrator, Bradford Adams Paper Company
  3. Real Estate Agent, Keller Williams
  4. Social Events Director, American Heart Association

4 Things I'd like to do before I die:

  1. See my children have children and get married (not in that order)
  2. See my husband accomplish all he wants professionally
  3. Go to Europe
  4. Loss 10 lbs.

4 Favorite Desserts:

  1. Anything Chocolate
  2. Anything Chocolate
  3. Anything Chocolate
  4. Anything Chocolate and homemade

4 Interesting Facts About Me:

  1. I have two different colored eyes
  2. I have a strange obsession to handbags
  3. I love deeply
  4. I can't stay mad or angry for very long, life is too short to hold a grudge.

4 Favorite T.V. Shows

  1. Grey's Anatomy
  2. The Office
  3. Desperate Housewives
  4. ANYTHING on Food Network

4 People I'm Tagging

  1. Terri
  2. Rach
  3. Aubrey
  4. Amber

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I've Got HEART!!!

Most of you already know this, but those of you that stalk my blog or don't know this, I decided to post my good news. Forgive me for being a little verbose, but it is late and my kids are asleep so I may feel the need. Most, if not all of you know that I was diagnosed with heart disease about three years ago. It came as quite a blow to me and my family. The news however, gave me a fresh look on life. I decided to stop staying angry at people, to laugh more (if that is even possible), enjoy my kids more, not worry about how clean my house is every second, to say "okay, so I'm not a perfect mom, but I am a pretty good mom and that is okay," to kiss my kids every day and tell them I love them, and lastly, to make sure that I had something in my life that was bigger than me that gave my life purpose.

Many of you know that I have volunteered with Huntsman Cancer Foundation for many, many years now. Well, about a month ago the American Heart Association called me, yes, you heard me, THEY called me. I was shocked!! Anyway, they called and said that they had heard about the work I had been doing up at Huntsman and they offered me a job to be their Director for their Go Red for Women Campaign. After I fell out of my chair I said I would think about it. I was flattered, but also concerned about leaving Huntsman (concerned, but then also remembered that they didn't pay me!). In the end however, I could think of now better cause, having heart disease myself, with a nephew born with a valve problem, a grandmother that just had triple bypass, and a sister that died of congenital heart failure, then the American Heart Association.

So, my good news is that today I accepted a job with the American Heart Association as their new Director of their Go Red for Women Campaign. I am in charge of raising $150,000. So, I will accept check, Visa, Master Card, American Express, or CASH!!!!

Don't worry I didn't forget in the midst of all my hustle and bustle to give you all a movie quote. Oh, hey, did you all notice my Heart music on the side!! Tee Hee, I am funny, right? You have to love that. I remember going to the Heart concert when I was in high school and thinking that I was sooo cool. Heather, don't mention what happened at the concert, we don't need to relive those bad memories, just the good ones!! Okay, okay, the movie quote.

Movie Quote:

"Do you want me to take you back to where your from, unemployed in Greenland?"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hilton Head, Pumpkins, and Remodel!!!

I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to update my blog. I have been out of town, but I know, no excuses!! Anyway, please relax, sit back and enjoy the slide show of what I have been up to for the last week or so. The first set of pictures are of Ryan and I in Hilton Head, South Carolina. It is an island just off the coast of South Carolina and it is BEAUTIFUL!! I loved it. The weather was a little rainy, but that made the temperature nice. The funny thing was that the sweet southerns kept apologizing for the "unusual" rain. I laughed because it was the greenest state I had ever been to. I couldn't look 50 feet in any direction without there being a grove of trees so thick I couldn't see through them. I kept thinking this couldn't be such an anomaly, it has to rain 4 out of 7 days here, it is so green. Anyway, Ryan and I had so much fun and we ate great seafood.

We came home and took the kids to the pumpkin patch which they look forward to every year. They love to carve pumpkins. They have almost as much fun buying them as they do carving them. Marshall stuck his head in the vampire spot for a picture and said, "Hey, Mom, look I am your own little Edward!" I love that kid, he is so stinkin cute. They also had some fun raking the leaves.

I also leave for a week and when I get back LOOK AT MY KITCHEN!! I not only have floors, but doors, painted wall, and cabinets!! I am so excited and think I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel. Please feel free to make yummy comments about my kitchen; however, if you don't like it keep it to yourself because at this point there is nothing that I can do and I am over budget and it will only hurt my feelings I am afraid. Anyway, I am loving it and so excited to invite you all over for yummy food!!!

I have missed you all and will keep you updated more. Sorry, for the long pause. I will post a movie quote soon. I thought I would do it in a few days. Enjoy the pictures. Love you all!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Movie Quote!!

I know that it has been a while since I have had a movie quote. As my last entry said I have been a little obsessed with the Twilight series. I now am done and trying to move on. So, I will put out there the next movie quote. I have a feeling that it won't get quite the response that the Twilight entry got. I have never gotten so many comments then when I discussed that series. So, I hope that you all still love me even though I am not going to quote, Edward, my lovely Edward, only because he hasn't been in a movie just yet!! Okay, so here is this weeks movie quote. Good Luck!!

"So, I'm not sick? Except for this terminal disease?"

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm An Addict!!

Okay, it is official, I got sucked in and I am an addict!! Let me start from the beginning. Most of the people that read my blog know that I stalk someone's blog on a fairly regular basis. To keep her anonymity I will not name her, but she is the funniest person I have ever read and I take her opinions pretty seriously because she seems like a cool cat. Anyway, she went on and on about this Twilight series of books and couldn't stop talking about how great they were. I actually didn't listen to her on this topic. Why? You may be asking yourself, because my son had read the first one and liked it. He is 10. Okay, okay, I am sooo prejudging this person that I respect so much and every other person that has told me to read these books. So, now you may be asking yourself, why did you change your mind? Well, here is my story (not really that deep might I add)

I went to Kate's soccer practice on Thursday night and was chatting with one of the other mothers there who is the friendliest women I know. She immediately asks me if I have read the Twilight series. I role my eyes and say "NO" and then she proceeds to tell me how it is the best love story that she has ever read and that she gets goose bumps every time she reads about Edward, then she tells me that it is a Tween book so she could do with a little more in the love department but that it is so well written that it keeps her heart pumping. WELL, need I say more, I said OKAY!! (I won't actually tell you what she said she wished would actually happen because I know that my grandma and my 12 year old niece sometimes read my blog, but you get the picture!) Now you know why I was on the bandwagon!! So, Friday morning I said nonchalantly, "Hey, Marshall, can I borrow Twilight." That was the last time I think I have spoken to my children or my husband. I have now read, Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse and I have to say I am in love, I am really in LOVE. I have many opinions about the book and I invite all of you that have read the books to join me in the discussion. If you haven't read them then stop right here and don't read my blog anymore because you have to read these books NOW!!!
I also have to say that I am so glad that I read all three books because I am not so sure I am going to let my 10 year old read the third one, it gets a little heavy on the lovey dovey part, which I couldn't have been more excited about, BUT he is only 10 so I think I will let him wait a few years.

Okay, so I don't want this blog to be forever long about these books, but this persons blog that I stalk, you know who you are and I just have to say that I couldn't disagree with you more on the Zac Efron thing. Zac could never and I mean NEVER be an Edward. I don't think that I have ever felt so strongly about something in my life so much so that I can feel it in the pit of my stomach!! I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, but the truth is that there really isn't anything in the world as great as Edward because I think that we all know that we are all married to Jacobs even though they have Edward moments they are all Jacobs. I am okay with that because deep down I think that it would bother me to have someone sooo devoted to me that every waking (which for Edward is 24 hours a day) moment was about me, I mean really I need ME time, but maybe I would feel differently if I was married to Edward, the most perfect man EVER...Oh, wait I am married to the most perfect man EVER!! (when he isn't watching sports!)

Okay, so to put the discussion on the table, here is my theory of the Twilight series...I think that Bella is something and won't be able to be turned into a vampire. There has to be a reason that Edward can't hear her thoughts. I'm not saying that she is a werewolf, but I am saying that she is some other kind of creature. Tell me your thoughts, I would love to know. Help talk me through this... I am now on the 12 step program to get back to real life. Convince me that I can do it.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Are You Kidding, I'm A Gummy Bear!!

Gummy Bears
You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.">What Kind of Candy Are You?

So, Jessica had this quiz on her blog and I innocently took the quiz, only to find out that who ever made up this stupid quiz thinks that I am a GUMMY BEAR!! Not, a cool candy, but a GUMMY BEAR!! Which of course reminded me immediately of a movie quote,

"I bet you've never smelled a real school bus before. Gummy Bear? They've been in my pocket, they're real warm and soft."

Can't you just see it. There is nothing cool about Gummy Bears. I mean who really eats those? Okay so my kids love them and eat them at the movies and I grab a few because they happen to be sitting next to me, BUT I would never buy them on purpose just for me. Okay, maybe if they were covered in chocolate and I was in the grocery store and I hadn't eaten lunch and was all alone and having a fat day and didn't care...then I might buy them, eat them, and then regret it five minutes after eating them because they aren't going to taste that great. Is that what this website thinks of me, that I look cute and fun, but in the end I am a big disappointment and regret? Well, I hope not, I hope that you all see more to me than just Gummy Bears. I am not saying that you shouldn't visit Jessie's website, it was fun (until my result appeared), but I am sure that you all will get better results then me. I am sure that you all will be such candies as, Snickers, Sugar Daddies, Junior Mints..I just pray none of you are a Gummy Bear or heaven help a Milk Dud!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Culprit and Movie Quote!!

This may look like a sweet little puppy, but NO this is the culprit! This is the dog that did this... I don't know if you can make it out, but those are paw prints all over the NEW floor just laid in my kitchen!!!

Peanut has been a member of our family now for three years, but her time has come to an end. "How much is that doggy in the window" today, that doggy is FREE!! Apparently, after she ran through the freshly laid concrete my tile guy threw her outside where she promptly annoyed the neighbors who then gated her inside my property to keep her away from them!! She is a PAIN!! Oh, and Ryan is about to give away the cat because he is a true scaredy cat and meows really loud EVERY time the heater kicks on ALL night long. Oh, how we love our animals...

I think I should move on to my movie quote. I feel like nothing happens in my life other than horrible house events and movie quotes, but just so you know the movie quotes get me through my week. I love that you all comment on them, so I hope that you all love them also. Here is the quote for this week, just so you know this movie is kind of stupid, but for some reason I can't help but watch every time it comes on T.V. plus I have a secret crush on the main character!

"This place is so retro, it might actually be cool is it were on purpose."

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Movie Quote!! & My nightmare of a house!!

These very becoming pictures would be of the ceiling in my new kitchen after the refreshing rain that we received. Yes, it appears that my roof leaks and after much inspection needs to be completely replaced! So, now we are officially OVER, I repeat OVER budget!! One of the down sides of blogging is that you can't see the actual tears that I am shedding right at this moment! Trust me however, I was feeling pretty proud of myself for keeping this kitchen within budget and now I can just throw all my hard work to the dogs because we are going to be paying OFF this kitchen for the next 6 months.

Anyway, please feel free to take a moment of silence at this time, say a prayer, find your zen, or *57 the roofing gods whatever you must to keep my bid on the new roof under $15,000. That would be a great help to me. Oh, and also ask that it not RAIN for the next week too, that would also be helpful. Thank you all.

Now, on to something a little more fun. The movie quote. I have to say I am surprised that more of you didn't know She's The Man. It is a great movie and I challenge you all to go out and rent it and watch it this week and tell me how much you loved this movie. I will still come to my own blog and just watch the trailer and laugh. Amanda Bynes is sooo funny, she is someone that I think deserves her fame. You know there are so many famous people that don't deserve his/her fame in my opinion. Here are a few that I don't think deserve fame:

1. O.J. Simpson (maybe he deserved it for being an athlete, but NOT for killing his wife!)
2. Richard Simmons (So you lost a lot of weight, great, but if you can't find pants or a haircut in 25 years you don't deserve fame in my opinion!)
3. Paris Hilton (Just because your daddy is rich you shouldn't have fans, I never did)
4. Kevin Federline (There is absolutely nothing worth being famous about this guy and his wife does deserve to be famous, but is pushing it.)

These are just a few examples, because if you know me I could go on and on forever, like honestly why was Molly Ringwald ever cast in a movie I will never know, but back to what you are all waiting for which is this weeks quote. Oh, wait...if you have anyone that you would like to add to the list please do so, I love and obsess about famous people therefore, I love to gossip. So, if you want to tell me why someone should NOT be famous please join in on the rant, I would love to hear!!

Okay, this weeks quote. I hope you are all a little better at this one.

What color is my tongue, what color is it?"

"It's red, I dunno- red."

"Red red or tongue red?"

"Razzle red."

Sunday, September 23, 2007

She's the man Movie Trailer

Watch the entire trailer to see the movie quote! It is there at the end!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Movie Quote!!

Last week's was too easy also, so let's see if you all can get this one. This is one that I quote often, but I don't say what it is from. Good luck and remember, NO CHEATING!!

"I've got a life time of knowledge."

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Golf Widow

I have been "happily" married and I repeat "happily" married for almost 14 years. I believe the reason for my happiness is because my husband (okay and me too sometimes) lives a pretty pampered life. Most of you are aware of the fact that my husband is out of town on a somewhat regular basis (that is NOT why I am happy). He enjoys camping, backpacking, mountain biking and other sundries things. Well, this weekend my husband is in Oregon on a golf trip. Yes, I am sure many of you are wondering how Ryan could play any more golf, but yes, it is true. My happiness I have found stems from the fact that he always seems to return from his trips in a much better mood then when he left and therefore life is good. My mood however sometimes could use a little boost... let me tell you a little about my day as a golf widow left to care for the dear children all on my own.

6:30- day begins running to the bathroom because it appears Kate's stomach flu has been kindly given to dear mom (of course while dad is gone, never a day off!)

7:30- must get uniform out of dryer (load done at 12:30 pm when son reminded me it needed to be clean for the game) because Marshall is being picked up in 10 minutes for his game.

8:30- still running to the bathroom, must shower get Kate ready and get her to her soccer game, meeting NaNa at game.

10:00- meet NaNa at corner to show her where the game is and rush Kate to game (hoping there is a bathroom)

10:45- get a surprise call from mother-in-law that she is at my house, that looks like I feel, and wants me to meet her there and show her the living hell that I live in. Oh, with a smile on my face. Can't disappoint the mother-in-law!!

11:30- stop at Maverick for a Diet Coke, there is no way I will make it through the day without one.

11:32- spill my Diet Coke down the front of myself, while wearing all white!!! Buy treats for Kate because need to rush to ALPINE to get Marsahll from his baseball game.

11:40- Kate spills all her candy in the car. (I don't own a Mom car, I own a sweet ass Audi!)I hear "oopps, sorry mom."

11:41- I start laughing hysterically because it isn't even noon and my life sucks, I have Diet Coke down the front of me, I need a bathroom to safe my life, and my husband is off playing GOLF and the only thing that I can think to do is laugh.

It made me think of this one time I was in the car with Marshall and he was giving me always. I finally said to him, "Marshall, you should be nice to me, I went through the valley of the shadow of death for you. You have no idea. I couldn't even walk for like a week after I had you." You know what that kid said to me. He said, "You couldn't walk for a week, I couldn't walk for like a year!"

Life is hard and funny all at the same time. You are all probably reading this thinking that my day was probably not that bad, but to me it sucked. But, here are some adorable pictures of my kids at their games. So, in the end it is always worth it. And if my husband finds a computer and looks at my blog I have only one thing to say, "You better be having fun!"

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Movie Quote!!

Okay, it is a new week and therefore time for a new Movie Quote!! I do have to say that Katie is pretty good at this even though she cheated last week. No cheating this week Katie!! No looking it up on the Internet. Either you know it or you don't. And Lori can't guess because I already told her what movie it was from. So good luck to you all. Here it is.

"What kind of name is Poon?"

"Comanche Indian"

The Money Pit

Okay, so here are some new pictures of my living hell and I thought that I would give you all a website that you can go to, so that you can see my new light fixtures!! I love them. I also was going to give you a website so you can see the furniture that I bought, but Campo doesn't have one that I could find. Sorry. Anyway, go link above named LIGHTS,LIGHTS,LIGHTS and in the search box put F1088-33 and F1081-33. Oh, and the beautiful front door that I have a picture of will be painted Black. Just so you all know that it doesn't stay that nasty color with white trim.

Just as a side can't really tell but now I no longer can go down my stairs so I am forced to go in between the 2x4's of a missing wall to get to another set of stairs and go down those stairs all without lights because now none of the house has any lights. Ryan saw a RAT, yes a RAT outside our door yesterday and our cat has been going crazy under the stairwell as of late, so it appears we have stirred up a family of mice and rats that need to be taken care of. Also, I can't go anywhere in my house without sheet rock, plaster or nails following behind me. Shoes are required!!! This would be why I call it my living Hell!! Pardon my French. I am sure that I will love it when it is all done, but for now, I would love to stay in a La Quinta because I am already eating at Denny's!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Movie Quote!!

Okay, Okay, Amber gave me a movie quote in the comment section of my "Am I a Crazy Old Lady" post. Her movie quote was, "You're doing it wrong!" I have to admit I thought long and hard about this one. This was a good one because it sounded so familiar and I could see the face of the woman who said it but I couldn't place the name of the movie. But then I thought, "220, 221 whatever it takes!" I bet you didn't remember that line from MR. MOM!!

So, here is my movie quote for the week.

"No, he is an ordinary person, I could kill an ordinary person, I could kill a hundred ordinary people."

Good Luck to you all, especially you Katie!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Am I A Crazy Old Lady?

So, I had this lady come by my house today to look at some furniture that I am selling and a thought crossed my I going to grow up to be that crazy old lady? I am being totally serious. This lady was sweet as pie, but couldn't stop talking. Sound familiar to anyone. I often think to myself that, sure my obsessive talking was cute when I was little and then it grew to be mildly entertaining as an adult, but when I get old, I mean old, am I going to be the crazy old lady that you try to shut up and pat on the shoulder and give Oveltene or Postum to in hopes that the drink will quite me for even a minute or two, or even better, maybe I will dose off to sleep, you know like old people tend to do. I am feeling your pain already! I don't want you all to hate to be around me..maybe it is difficult already. However, my thoughts are that it gets more and more difficult as I get older, because less interesting things happen to me as I get older and I am being forced to repeat myself. Also, I may not even know that I am repeating myself!! I want to help you all so that you don't have to go through what I went through this afternoon. If (when I am old, not now) you are bored with what I am saying simply say, "Emily, that is so great can I interest you in _____"
Here are somethings to fill in the blanks:
*a good movie
*new cloths
*new shoes
*a famous movie star (I hesitate to name one only because whom ever I name now would totally be old by the time this list is useful and therefore not worthy of mentioning.)
*a new house
*diet coke
*a massage
*a pedicure
*a fabulous dinner
*an evening with Ryan that doesn't include sports
The list goes on, but I am sure that you get the idea. I apologize up front for my future crazy old lady state. I am sure I will turn into one and for those of you that last and continue to be my friends I applaud you. Thank you for sticking with me through all those years. I love you!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Movie Quote!!

Okay, no helpful picture this time. Just the quote and good luck to you all. I am hoping that this time it is a little harder. Here you go!

"Great idea, what's your major, town tramp?"

"No mom, the town already has one."

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Money Pit

Note the lovely light still hanging, given by H (thanks Heather!) It might not last much longer.

Yes, we are still living in our home!!

These before pictures show the need to remodel!

Okay, okay, okay!! For those of you that know me there are three things that I can't live without: Diet Coke, DVR, and %$# in that order. However, I have an obsession that has taken over my life now and everyone that I come in contact with has to listen to me talk about it. That new obsession is my KITCHEN!! I am in the middle of a well needed kitchen remodel. At least anyone that knows me will agree that it is well needed. So I am going to take you all through the exciting process no matter how boring it may seem. I may have polls to ask your opinion on what you all think I should do. So it could be up to you to make my kitchen beautiful. To explain to the ones that are not completely familiar with my home. I have a kitchen and a formal dining room. I am getting rid of the walls between the two rooms and making them one big room, kitchen. It makes my only stairway obsolete so I am opening a secret stairway in another wall. Pretty Cool actually!! Here are some pictures. Enjoy!!

Kate's Growing Popcorn!!

You are all going to think that I am making this story up, but I promise you it is all the truth. About a month ago Kate came up to me and asked if she could go and plant something in the yard. I asked her what she was going to plant and she informed me that she thought that if she planted some popcorn kernels that she could grow some corn. I tried really hard not to laugh. I smiled and told her to go ahead and knock herself out. Well, this is a picture of Kate and Sarah (my niece) in front of Kate's popcorn stalk!! She planted two popcorn kernels and now I have corn growing next to my basketball hoop! Who would have thought (other than my 7 year old) that you could grow corn from popcorn? I love being proven wrong by my children on a daily basis. I just love that she really thought that she could grow corn and then corn grew in my yard! I am amazed everyday when I see it grow taller and taller. We can't wait to cook it up with some chicken. I have had to tell her though that we already own a cat and a dog, I am not buying any chickens to go with the corn.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Oh, I know that one!!!

I have friends, Yes, I have friends. Only a couple. But, they tell me I am funny. I always have to remind them that nothing I say is original, I obsessivly quote movies. I have always done it and love doing it. So I am going to have a section on my blog where I will put in a movie quote and you all try and quess what movie it is from. You will have to write it in the comment section. I will not accept calls (for those of you that I know are looking at my blog and not commenting!!) I will try and put the movie clip on the blog at the end of the week and then you will see who was right. I don't know how many clues to give or not give so for the first week you get NONE!! Just the quote. Good luck!!

Movie Quote #1:

"I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen."

P.S. No cheating, that takes all the fun out of it.

Want Some Candy Little Kid?

Okay, so the pictures on the first day of school are out of focus of my kids and that is horrible of me, but the real reason for the post is to tell you all about what happened when I took my kids to their first day of school. I am one of those mothers who's own mother did nothing but embarrass me or try to when I was growing up; however, she would always say, "hey, look on the bright side you can do the same to your own kids some day!" Like that made me feel any better when she was dropping me off for Junior High and yelling, "Kissy, Kissy, I love you Emily!" out the window. It is amazing I am as mentally healthy as I am.

Anyway, back to what happened when I dropped my kids off at school. I don't really drop them off. I of course have to go into the school and introduce myself to the teacher and tell what an adorable child they are getting in his/her class. This is what embarrasses my children so badly. I love it. So I drive to the school and attempt to park my car across the street, parallel park. As you all know my 5'2" frame requires me to guess a little on the length of my car, so I might have "tapped" the car behind me. The crossing guard sees me do this and I am so embarrassed because I think that it is his car. I say nothing as my kids are laughing their butts off we get out of the car. Marshall then says loudly, "Well, Mom he deserves it for driving a Mercury!" I grab Marshall so quickly and tell him to be quite and I look at the crossing guard and ask him if it is his car and he says YES!! I apologize and tell him thank goodness for bumpers and walk off.

Moral of the story: I suffer through all of those years of humiliation only to go through child birth so that I can humiliate my own kids and in the end they humiliate ME!! I can't win.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The DAC (Has it really only been 10 years!!)

Is it Ryan, is it Payne Stewart? I can't tell the difference!!

As many of you know my husband put together a golf tournament for himself and his friends from high school. It is called the DAC (the Damn Amateur Classic). This tournament has been an obsession with him and his friends. For those of you that know about it you understand. For those of you that don't I am not even sure that I can explain. He organized it 10 years ago this year, so to commemorate the occasion they decided to go to Pine Hurst, North Carolina for the tournament. According to Ryan it was a religious experience! However, I have met all of these "men" and I would beg to differ. But, in Ryan's defense golf is to him as cooking is to me!! So, who is to say. Here are a few pictures of the blessed event!

Fun Summer!!

This is Marshall's attempt of putting on his own sunscreen. It makes me hurt just to look at it. He is doing better now, but he had no idea and told me that his back hurt and asked me to look and see if he had something on his back. I laughed so hard and grabbed the camera just so I could show him what it looked like. It's classic!!

Before I get into the kitchen remodel. I thought that I would show you some adorable pictures of my kids and some of the things that they have done this summer. No summer is complete without a trip to the BEACH!! We went with my best friend Judy and her family this year. FUN was had by all!! We were lucky and got to visit with Katie and Taylor also.

"How" long did it take me to get a Blog?

Okay, so if you don't get the "how" joke... that is me trying to be funny with the whole Chief thing. Okay,okay, I'll stop. Here we are finally, on the web. I feel that I need to apologize up front for the posts that will be done. I am completely obsessed with my kitchen remodel. I will keep you all up to date as to what is going on with the construction. Even if you don't care. I have wanted to do this kitchen remodel since the moment I peeked into the windows of this wretched money pit I lovingly call HOME!!