Okay, I know that I don't blog that often and I don't really have that great of a reason most often, but this time I do! AND I have a great reason to be blogging again. It is a well known fact that I am a democrat through and through even to the chagrin of my parents and many loved ones. I am blogging for two reasons today and President Obama, oh how I love the sound of that, is only one of the reasons. Despite the actual horrible air that is permeating outside all over Salt Lake City, I am breathing much better than I have in many years for two very good reasons.
Reason #1- Barack Obama is President of the United States.
Reason #2- I received a pacemaker three weeks ago.
I will spare you all the diatribe I had planned on going on about FORMER President Bush and why I am so excited about the new administration because if you know me you have heard it; however, I would love to share with you about how great my new life has become. I received my pacemaker three weeks ago and I truly feel like a new person. I have more energy and life and think that if I had known I could live like this I would have had it put in years ago. Ryan of course continues to tell me that I am now a robot with my new device. There are several quirks to having a pacemaker that I am still getting used to.
*I can't use headphones with my
ipod*I can't answer my cordless handheld home phone
*I can't snow blow or mow my lawn (like I was doing that before!)
*I can only use my cell phone in my right ear
*I have to be patted down at the airport I can't go through security
Things like that aren't really that big a deal, the one I hope will go away is that I can't lay down on my left side. All things being said and done I feel like a completely new person. I am never short of breath or dizzy any more. This is a new lease on life for me. So talk about HOPE and CHANGE, I think I have it all covered!!