How am I supposed to be angry with a dog that loves my son so much that she can't leave his side when he practices the piano!! I mean really, look at that face!! I am also a little sentimental these days with Marshall growing up so fast. He is taller than I am and almost smarter than I, almost being the operative word. He recently got into a gifted program for junior high that will mean that next year he will attend West High School!! He will still only be in 7th grade, but he attends his classes at West! I really am struggling with this concept, my little boy at a HIGH SCHOOL!! He seems fine, but mom is not handling the transition well.
I am loving the teenage boy, the soon to be teenage girl is another story however!! For Valentine's Day, Marshall may have given an anonymous girl some delicious homemade truffles, homemade by ME. The drop off was a little dicey, but really fun. Here are the said truffles that I made for the adorable girl...
These were so fun to make and so delicious!!
Sorry this post is a little random, but I never posted a picture of the quilt that I made my mom for Christmas and I know that there is at least one person that has been waiting for me to post it so here you go...