Thursday, February 21, 2008

St. George!!!

Sweet Treats, Sweet Memories!! Oh, and St. George!!

There are a lot of things that I have learned from my mother, cooking is not one of them. When I was in grade school I remember telling my mother that I needed to bring cupcakes to school. I remember her showing up with Hostess cupcakes that she had put in the paper cupcakes holders. She thought she was so clever, I just rolled my eyes and laughed. It is a memory that we still laugh about today.

Well, my daughter came to me this week and said that it was "Chocolate Week" and that she wanted to bring cupcakes. Well, you can only guess what came to my mind. My daughter has a caterer for a mother so she got a little different Hostess cupcake to take to school. I will probably still get the same reaction, a role of the eye. So, I don't think that it matters much how well you cook. But, I can tell you that the homemade devil's food cake and homemade icing taste a smidge better than Hostess...hee hee! Sorry Mom. Oh, and aren't they just so stinkin' cute.

So, when I am not cooking for my daughter's class, we went to St. George last weekend and took in the sun. It was a much needed vacation and we had a blast. We went hiking in Snow Canyon, went golfing, went to movies, went and saw G-ma, and RELAXED!!! Enjoy the pics.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Could You Say "NO"?

So, since my last post I decided to take my own advice. My health being one of the reasons and this adorable girl being another. When she continued to come up to me and say, "Mommy, can't you quit your job so that you can just be there when ever I need you?" and then give me THAT face. What would you do. EXACTLY!! So, this post is to let you all know that I am back to the old me, the one that does what she really loves. No more, 60 hours a week for a non-profit. I am back to my kids and catering and real estate!! I love it already. "Why?" you ask. Well, here are the top five reasons I realized not working full time is great!!

1. I can stay in my jammies all day (if I want)

2. I am "never" late picking up my kids from school

3. I can read a book in the middle of the day and if I dose off, WHO CARES!!

4. If someone calls me and asks what I am doing, sometimes I have to make something up because saying "nothing" and that being the truth makes me feel guilty.

5. If I get the urge to see a movie, get a pedicure, go the the mall, go to lunch, call a friend, read a book, watch t.v., be on the computer reading blogs, bake some cookies, clean my house (not likely), take a nap, I CAN!!!

I would love for you all to share with me your own private secret of why you love not having to work full time. (I know being a mother is more than a full time job and it is truely harder...) BUT, what do you all like to indulge in that we aren't supposed to admit. We all do it so don't act like you don't. Okay, maybe Amber doesn't, but the rest of us do. So, fess up and let me know.

Oh, and here is a movie quote...I want you all to guess this one. I know it is probably too easy.

"Those of us that can't do, teach, and those that can't teach, teach gym."