Friday, January 18, 2008

Call 911!!!

Okay, so it isn't that bad. But, I do have an idea. You all know that I have heart disease. About a month ago my cardiologist got this brilliant idea to hook me up to this "event monitor." They call it that because it is an EKG machine that you wear 24 hours a day and it records "events" of your heart. I think that they should call it what it really is, a "pain in the ass" monitor.

Anyway, this brilliant machine knows when your heart is doing something that it shouldn't and then it "beeeeeeeeeps" and records like a fax machine an EKG. It is actually pretty cool machine, at least it would be if it only went off a couple of times a day, not 3-7 times an hour. For me it has been kind of helpful because any of you that know me, I tend to be a little of a go getter. I tend to over do it a little. This machine has basically stopped me in my tracks for a little while. It has told me "hey, chicka you have heart disease and you need to SLOW down!!" Usually, when I don't feel well I just keep on truckin' and don't listen to my body; however, with this little machine it is hard not to listen. The dang thing beeeeeeps all day long telling me to sit my butt down.

So, I was thinkin' this may not be a bad idea. We should all have something kind of like this in our lives. Something that lets us know, "hey, take a breath, look at life!" We need something that makes us remember what is really important. So, this is the purpose of my post this week. I am going to be your "event monitor," only a little less annoying. I am going to remind you all to take a minute to take a deep breath and think about what really makes you happy. Is is your kids, your house, your significant other? What ever it is spend more time with them. Life is short, too short don't waste it doing menial things that in the end won't matter. Kiss your kids more, tell your husband you love him (when you are angry), it is the small things that make a difference. When you do these things just think, at least you don't have to have that beeeeping noise reminding to live life to the fullest!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

What A Week I'm Having!!!

I know that I am having longer and longer spurts in between my posts. I am sorry about that. This having a job thing is really killing me. I am starting to think that my life wasn't so bad before and I wondering why I said yes when they offered me the job. Oh, that's right I have a job with a cause and I love it. I have to remind myself that every morning; however, lately I feel like the people in the picture above. I can't tell you how many times this week I have done something and then said " oh, crap! what was I thinking" only to realize I obviously wasn't thinking. Don't get me wrong I know I did that plenty of times before my job, it just seems to feel like a bigger deal when I have a boss instead of an 8 year old laughing at me.

Anyway, I went to dinner with the Valley Girls (Jessie, Brooke, Tanya, Lori, H) the other night and I have to tell you it made my week. Being able to sit with the girls and chat and spend time with people that are in the same stage of life and yet can still love me even though they knew me when I dated ______please fill in the blank because I know that each of you will fill in the blank with said dork. I know I dated my fair share, I deserve it, but hey we can all admit they weren't all dorks right Heather.

Okay, so you know me and movie quotes. My movie quote is in the title and it is sooo easy that I feel a little bad for making it so easy. But, I wanted to tell you all about a movie that I just saw that is so good. I usually just quote movies and I don't talk about the one's that I just saw, but I am going to recommend a great one. I just saw Juno and I would highly recommend this movie to you all. It is funny, touching and thought provoking. It is one of the best written movies that I have seen in a long time. I would see it if I were you because there is a high probability that I will quote it in the months to come. If you have seen it, I would love to hear your comments on it. Thanks and I hope to be back soon. Sorry again for the long pauses.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hap, Hap, Happiest Christmas!!

I know it has been a while since I have blogged and I am sorry about that. I got this new job and now I find that I am so busy that I don't have time to see my family anymore. I am trying my best to get a grip, but it may take some doing. I loved reading over all of your blogs. Seeing that most of you had anniversaries was great!! It reminded me that OH, I did too!! Ryan and I have been married for 14 years!! I am still amazed that he has stayed with me all these years or visa verse!! Whatever it is it seems to work so far. Time sure flies though, it seems like yesterday that I married him, yet he brought to my attention that 14 years before I married him I was 5!! What was I thinking!! I know you do the math, I was way too young to get married. But, hey it's worked so far. I must say that Heather and Jessie are much braver than I am for posting their wedding pictures because theirs show progress, I have the same hair and have gained 30 lbs. GROSS!! I am leaving mine where they belong, in a drawer.

Christmas was like every year...CRAZY!!! I will quote a movie; however I know that you will all know this movie,

"No,no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny @%$@# Kaye!!"

I feel like that every Christmas. I think that the fact that I come out still breathing on December 26th is a miracle. It seems to never get easier even though every year we try something new. One day maybe. We did it all again this year. The Nutcracker on Christmas Eve, dinner at Grandma's, visiting all the parents, and getting it all done at home by Christmas morning if you get my drift!! In the end, I would still have it no other way. I love family and I love seeing family at Christmas. I was sad not being able to see the "dozens" from Japan and Cincinnati and Boston. It hurts to not have everyone near at Christmas. It just isn't the same. So, even though things are crazy and nuts we like having all the nuts here to share in the crazy!! We send our love to all of you this holiday season and hope to see you all very soon.