I have to say, I may be shedding just a few tears. Baseball is finally over. My feelings are joyful that it is over because baseball was six, yes, six days a week. That included a double-header every Saturday; however, I do miss watching Marshall play. Isn't he just the cutest thing?!!
His days now consist of golf, golf, and more golf. He plays golf I would say almost six days a week and sometimes twice a day!! He played 27 holes just the other day! I tell you that child is addicted to golf. The only bonus is that there are no stands to watch until he gets his PGA tour card. He has league and tournaments and then practices all the time. When I asked him the other day what he wanted to do after college he said, "you know mom, I think that if I practice really hard, maybe I could play golf for a living." I then asked what his "fall back" would be and he said DOCTOR!! Oh my! He is going to have to choose. I told him you can't be a doctor and a professional golfer, to be one or the other you have to dedicate all your time to do well at either profession. I said that he could probably be a Lawyer as a "fall back" profession. I mean how hard can that be? HE HE HE!!!
So, summer is busy, busy, busy. I feel like I have way more time when the kids are in school. Marshall is busy in golf and Kate has tennis, swimming, and a math class. I for one am pooped!! I am ready for a vacation; however, the thought of a vacation makes me sweat because I am sure that if I actually took one it would be more work than it is worth. They always are. So, I am thinking of shipping everyone off and staying home. So, if there are any takers for my kids and husband let me know. They are adorable and lovable (the kids I mean) and they eat almost anything (the husband I mean). You know my number, give me a call if interested.
Side note...I know that there are those of you out there reading my blog and not commenting. Shame on you!!! I would love to hear from you. I feel very alone with only 2 comments on my blog. Yes, all of my self-confidence comes from my blog and nowhere else, so, I want to hear from you.
WOW! You are a devoted mother. I don't think I could do six days a week of baseball. When you are ready for a break I would LOVE to take your kids. I already have a husband so you can keep your husband and maybe you and Ryan could take a break together. Name the day, I am there for ya!
It's a great picture of Marshall. I hope you own one of those bleacher cushions, with all the sitting you must do at the games.
it's all about the comments emily! if they're not gonna leave a comment, THEN DON'T READ THE BLOG!!! all i can say is i'm glad my kids hate sports!! i'm so not a soccer mom. i say we mom's have a summer "break" ourselves...let's go to mexico or just a cool resort where we can sun bath and eat licorice all day! you in?
I saw Heather today and we were talking about our next girls night. Those are a little vacation right? Hope to see you next week for a girls night!
You are super cute Emily! I love your blog and your fun sense of humor! You know, my mom would KILL me if she read this, but since she has absolutely NO computer skills what-so-ever, I think that I am pretty safe (Dan- don't show her this! :)...anyways, about shipping your husband and kids off- you could totally ship them off to the ranch. If you let me know when, I could have my husband and kids meet yours there!! Then we could go get our toes done...or take a nap! Let me know if this sounds good to you. :) Talk with you soon!
It's just a shameless bid for comments . . . just kidding!! I am so glad for you that baseball is finally over! I don't know how you do it! It's crazy doing all of those activities! However, we can all try to remember that in not very many years, they will be all grown up and move away, and then we will WISH for the busy, crazy, wild days we used to have!!
Okay, I'll be a better commenter. Ty is already obsessed with all games involving balls. He can hit a pitch and golf too, so I think I'm in for many hours of watching ball games. That was a great picture of Marshall though!
You got me. And do you know what I'm really ashamed about....you are so good at always commenting on my blog! I really appreciate it and will be alot better at commenting on your blog!! That picture of Marshall looks professional! He is really cute. And I think being a doctor and golfer is a great aspiration! Yes, lawyer would be a great fall back!! Talk to you soon!
Comment... I started using reader, which makes me lazy at commenting, and way harder to keep up on how cute your blog is! Love it!
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