Sunday, November 2, 2008

What's scarier a Witch or McCain?

So, my kids were obviously a witch and McCain for Halloween! Kate had decided a year ago that she wanted to be a witch so her costume as been one in the making ever since. My mother being the best NaNa ever made her that beautiful cape you see that MAKES the witch so witchy and the rest of the costume was put together from different stores when I would find it throughout the year. Marshall had thought that he was too old to go trick-or-treating so he wasn't going to go until one of his good friends asked him to go with him. He was going to go as Obama so Marshall said "great I'll go as McCain!" They were adorable actually and got a lot of attention. Well, the sad part of it all was that they both decided to go trick-or-treating with their friends and not with us this year. So, Ryan and I got the boot!! We were unceremoniously discharged from our duties as parents and asked to go to dinner and drop them at their friends houses! Well, how do you like that. I immediately thought that I needed to go buy Geritol and some Viagra for Ryan because APPARENTLY we are OLD!!! I was really sad about this. My kids didn't want to trick-or -treat with me...those dots are tears......when did I get to that age? When did I become that parent? Some of my friends still have young kids and the ones that don't are, well, older than me. I had my kids young and then only had two, two beautiful kids, but only two. So, I am realizing that I am going to be an empty-nester in only EIGHT YEARS!!! Do you know what that means? I have to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. That suck!
Well, enough of my rant. Here are a few pictures of my cute kids who don't love me anymore and are growing up way too fast. Oh, and some pictures of a few of the quilts that I have been making. Apparently a good past time since I am OLD!!

Marshall as McCain saying, "My friends!"

I know that she is a witch, but I think she is way too cute to be a real witch!!

This is a quilt that I made for Kristen's new baby that she is expecting in December!

This is a quilt that I made for Katy's new baby that she is expecting in December!

I don't remember if I already showed you all this quilt, but this is a quilt that I made my kids life long babysitter and nanny, Amy for graduation!


Mandee said...

Obama is more scary than both McCain and the witch put together!

That said... very cute kids, and awesome quilts! Love them!

Your Republican Friend

Kristin said...

Emily, I love the quilts...expecially mine. Cora seems to love it too since she is always calling it her "jingle quilt". Thanks again, we love you!

Nana said...

Beautiful quilts...I'm so proud of you for mastering this skill. Also know that the treats you left last night were breakfast this morning. Nothing better than dessert for breakfast! Love Ya

Nicole said...

I loved the costumes. And I wouldn't worry too much about being booted out. I would put money on the fact that you will be the cool parents. The parents that all of the friends want to go to for parties and requests!! He just has to see how uncool...all the other parents are before he realizes how cool you are!!!

Denice said...

Love the costumes and the quilts! And as far as being asked to drop your kids off. . . all I can say is, sign me up!! Just kidding -- I was also a little sad that Jeffrey and his friends had a party and went trick-or-treating all over the neighborhood by themselves. What can you do??

Starr said...

Your republican friend is scarier than both!

I can't believe Marsh remembered the car accident. That is crazy. He is such a cutie & Kate too.

Can I tell you how happy I am that Obama kicked ass! It was amazing.

I am adding you to my blog so add me too.

P.S. The quilts are amazing. Maybe I can quilt with you one of these days.

Starr said...

PS I am totally JOKING about saying that.

Trevor and Brooke said...

Emily, I'm so impressed with your quilting ability. They are beautiful. You need to teach me a few things!

Terri said...

Emily, I love catching up. Your kids are so cute and you are right, they are to old to go with mommy trick or treating :) I guess you better start throwing parties for Halloween. :)
Your trip seemed amazing. I cant believe you fit all those places in on one trip. I would love to go with a guy that new every political piece of information. My brother in law is like that.
As for your quilts....ummmm Iam jealous. I had a baby in June, wheres mine??? Heeheheh just kidding. (actually iam not kidding) :) Love you.

married with children said...

love the costumes emily!! and you are quite the crafty woman - are you a mormon!?'ll have to read the latest post on my blog, with judy, i think you guys will laugh! i'll see you in december!