Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hilton Head, Pumpkins, and Remodel!!!

I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to update my blog. I have been out of town, but I know, no excuses!! Anyway, please relax, sit back and enjoy the slide show of what I have been up to for the last week or so. The first set of pictures are of Ryan and I in Hilton Head, South Carolina. It is an island just off the coast of South Carolina and it is BEAUTIFUL!! I loved it. The weather was a little rainy, but that made the temperature nice. The funny thing was that the sweet southerns kept apologizing for the "unusual" rain. I laughed because it was the greenest state I had ever been to. I couldn't look 50 feet in any direction without there being a grove of trees so thick I couldn't see through them. I kept thinking this couldn't be such an anomaly, it has to rain 4 out of 7 days here, it is so green. Anyway, Ryan and I had so much fun and we ate great seafood.

We came home and took the kids to the pumpkin patch which they look forward to every year. They love to carve pumpkins. They have almost as much fun buying them as they do carving them. Marshall stuck his head in the vampire spot for a picture and said, "Hey, Mom, look I am your own little Edward!" I love that kid, he is so stinkin cute. They also had some fun raking the leaves.

I also leave for a week and when I get back LOOK AT MY KITCHEN!! I not only have floors, but doors, painted wall, and cabinets!! I am so excited and think I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel. Please feel free to make yummy comments about my kitchen; however, if you don't like it keep it to yourself because at this point there is nothing that I can do and I am over budget and it will only hurt my feelings I am afraid. Anyway, I am loving it and so excited to invite you all over for yummy food!!!

I have missed you all and will keep you updated more. Sorry, for the long pause. I will post a movie quote soon. I thought I would do it in a few days. Enjoy the pictures. Love you all!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Movie Quote!!

I know that it has been a while since I have had a movie quote. As my last entry said I have been a little obsessed with the Twilight series. I now am done and trying to move on. So, I will put out there the next movie quote. I have a feeling that it won't get quite the response that the Twilight entry got. I have never gotten so many comments then when I discussed that series. So, I hope that you all still love me even though I am not going to quote, Edward, my lovely Edward, only because he hasn't been in a movie just yet!! Okay, so here is this weeks movie quote. Good Luck!!

"So, I'm not sick? Except for this terminal disease?"

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm An Addict!!

Okay, it is official, I got sucked in and I am an addict!! Let me start from the beginning. Most of the people that read my blog know that I stalk someone's blog on a fairly regular basis. To keep her anonymity I will not name her, but she is the funniest person I have ever read and I take her opinions pretty seriously because she seems like a cool cat. Anyway, she went on and on about this Twilight series of books and couldn't stop talking about how great they were. I actually didn't listen to her on this topic. Why? You may be asking yourself, because my son had read the first one and liked it. He is 10. Okay, okay, I am sooo prejudging this person that I respect so much and every other person that has told me to read these books. So, now you may be asking yourself, why did you change your mind? Well, here is my story (not really that deep might I add)

I went to Kate's soccer practice on Thursday night and was chatting with one of the other mothers there who is the friendliest women I know. She immediately asks me if I have read the Twilight series. I role my eyes and say "NO" and then she proceeds to tell me how it is the best love story that she has ever read and that she gets goose bumps every time she reads about Edward, then she tells me that it is a Tween book so she could do with a little more in the love department but that it is so well written that it keeps her heart pumping. WELL, need I say more, I said OKAY!! (I won't actually tell you what she said she wished would actually happen because I know that my grandma and my 12 year old niece sometimes read my blog, but you get the picture!) Now you know why I was on the bandwagon!! So, Friday morning I said nonchalantly, "Hey, Marshall, can I borrow Twilight." That was the last time I think I have spoken to my children or my husband. I have now read, Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse and I have to say I am in love, I am really in LOVE. I have many opinions about the book and I invite all of you that have read the books to join me in the discussion. If you haven't read them then stop right here and don't read my blog anymore because you have to read these books NOW!!!
I also have to say that I am so glad that I read all three books because I am not so sure I am going to let my 10 year old read the third one, it gets a little heavy on the lovey dovey part, which I couldn't have been more excited about, BUT he is only 10 so I think I will let him wait a few years.

Okay, so I don't want this blog to be forever long about these books, but this persons blog that I stalk, you know who you are and I just have to say that I couldn't disagree with you more on the Zac Efron thing. Zac could never and I mean NEVER be an Edward. I don't think that I have ever felt so strongly about something in my life so much so that I can feel it in the pit of my stomach!! I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, but the truth is that there really isn't anything in the world as great as Edward because I think that we all know that we are all married to Jacobs even though they have Edward moments they are all Jacobs. I am okay with that because deep down I think that it would bother me to have someone sooo devoted to me that every waking (which for Edward is 24 hours a day) moment was about me, I mean really I need ME time, but maybe I would feel differently if I was married to Edward, the most perfect man EVER...Oh, wait I am married to the most perfect man EVER!! (when he isn't watching sports!)

Okay, so to put the discussion on the table, here is my theory of the Twilight series...I think that Bella is something and won't be able to be turned into a vampire. There has to be a reason that Edward can't hear her thoughts. I'm not saying that she is a werewolf, but I am saying that she is some other kind of creature. Tell me your thoughts, I would love to know. Help talk me through this... I am now on the 12 step program to get back to real life. Convince me that I can do it.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Are You Kidding, I'm A Gummy Bear!!

Gummy Bears
You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.
http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofcandyareyouquiz/">What Kind of Candy Are You?

So, Jessica had this quiz on her blog and I innocently took the quiz, only to find out that who ever made up this stupid quiz thinks that I am a GUMMY BEAR!! Not, a cool candy, but a GUMMY BEAR!! Which of course reminded me immediately of a movie quote,

"I bet you've never smelled a real school bus before. Gummy Bear? They've been in my pocket, they're real warm and soft."

Can't you just see it. There is nothing cool about Gummy Bears. I mean who really eats those? Okay so my kids love them and eat them at the movies and I grab a few because they happen to be sitting next to me, BUT I would never buy them on purpose just for me. Okay, maybe if they were covered in chocolate and I was in the grocery store and I hadn't eaten lunch and was all alone and having a fat day and didn't care...then I might buy them, eat them, and then regret it five minutes after eating them because they aren't going to taste that great. Is that what this website thinks of me, that I look cute and fun, but in the end I am a big disappointment and regret? Well, I hope not, I hope that you all see more to me than just Gummy Bears. I am not saying that you shouldn't visit Jessie's website, it was fun (until my result appeared), but I am sure that you all will get better results then me. I am sure that you all will be such candies as, Snickers, Sugar Daddies, Junior Mints..I just pray none of you are a Gummy Bear or heaven help a Milk Dud!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Culprit and Movie Quote!!

This may look like a sweet little puppy, but NO this is the culprit! This is the dog that did this... I don't know if you can make it out, but those are paw prints all over the NEW floor just laid in my kitchen!!!

Peanut has been a member of our family now for three years, but her time has come to an end. "How much is that doggy in the window" today, that doggy is FREE!! Apparently, after she ran through the freshly laid concrete my tile guy threw her outside where she promptly annoyed the neighbors who then gated her inside my property to keep her away from them!! She is a PAIN!! Oh, and Ryan is about to give away the cat because he is a true scaredy cat and meows really loud EVERY time the heater kicks on ALL night long. Oh, how we love our animals...

I think I should move on to my movie quote. I feel like nothing happens in my life other than horrible house events and movie quotes, but just so you know the movie quotes get me through my week. I love that you all comment on them, so I hope that you all love them also. Here is the quote for this week, just so you know this movie is kind of stupid, but for some reason I can't help but watch every time it comes on T.V. plus I have a secret crush on the main character!

"This place is so retro, it might actually be cool is it were on purpose."