This may look like a sweet little puppy, but NO this is the culprit! This is the dog that did this... I don't know if you can make it out, but those are paw prints all over the NEW floor just laid in my kitchen!!!
Peanut has been a member of our family now for three years, but her time has come to an end. "How much is that doggy in the window" today, that doggy is FREE!! Apparently, after she ran through the freshly laid concrete my tile guy threw her outside where she promptly annoyed the neighbors who then gated her inside my property to keep her away from them!! She is a PAIN!! Oh, and Ryan is about to give away the cat because he is a true scaredy cat and meows really loud EVERY time the heater kicks on ALL night long. Oh, how we love our animals...
I think I should move on to my movie quote. I feel like nothing happens in my life other than horrible house events and movie quotes, but just so you know the movie quotes get me through my week. I love that you all comment on them, so I hope that you all love them also. Here is the quote for this week, just so you know this movie is kind of stupid, but for some reason I can't help but watch every time it comes on T.V. plus I have a secret crush on the main character!
"This place is so retro, it might actually be cool is it were on purpose."
OK, I would have killed the dog. Tanya likes dogs now, you should see if she wants the little guy.
Is it Day After Tomorrow? Which actor do you like? Dennis or Jake?
My blog is I don't have much up there, but I am working on it.
Here is another quote for you. I admit the last one was pretty easy, but really funny.
"No, no... I hate lawyers. I only work for them."
Christie, you have to remember you are dealing with a professional. This quote is said by Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovich. I love that movie also. Oh, and are you kidding, Dennis NO WAY, it is Jake, could he be any cuter even after, "I wish I knew how to quit you!" I actually liked that movie, yes I saw it. I see just about everything which makes it a little hard to stump me in the movie quotes, but I do love playing so send them my way!!
Ahhh... Joe P. Lethal Weapon. Am I right? I will put another one for you on my blog. I don't want to make your BLOG R rated... for your family's sake!
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