Thursday, August 23, 2007

Want Some Candy Little Kid?

Okay, so the pictures on the first day of school are out of focus of my kids and that is horrible of me, but the real reason for the post is to tell you all about what happened when I took my kids to their first day of school. I am one of those mothers who's own mother did nothing but embarrass me or try to when I was growing up; however, she would always say, "hey, look on the bright side you can do the same to your own kids some day!" Like that made me feel any better when she was dropping me off for Junior High and yelling, "Kissy, Kissy, I love you Emily!" out the window. It is amazing I am as mentally healthy as I am.

Anyway, back to what happened when I dropped my kids off at school. I don't really drop them off. I of course have to go into the school and introduce myself to the teacher and tell what an adorable child they are getting in his/her class. This is what embarrasses my children so badly. I love it. So I drive to the school and attempt to park my car across the street, parallel park. As you all know my 5'2" frame requires me to guess a little on the length of my car, so I might have "tapped" the car behind me. The crossing guard sees me do this and I am so embarrassed because I think that it is his car. I say nothing as my kids are laughing their butts off we get out of the car. Marshall then says loudly, "Well, Mom he deserves it for driving a Mercury!" I grab Marshall so quickly and tell him to be quite and I look at the crossing guard and ask him if it is his car and he says YES!! I apologize and tell him thank goodness for bumpers and walk off.

Moral of the story: I suffer through all of those years of humiliation only to go through child birth so that I can humiliate my own kids and in the end they humiliate ME!! I can't win.


Craig and Jessica Smith said...

Are you kidding? That is the best story!

lori said...

your kids are just the cutest things ever! give them big hugs and kisses from me.

it was so good to see you and your darling children a week or so a go.

we live too far apart for my taste. :(

emily, being with you always makes my heart happy!

you're the best!