So, I had this lady come by my house today to look at some furniture that I am selling and a thought crossed my I going to grow up to be that crazy old lady? I am being totally serious. This lady was sweet as pie, but couldn't stop talking. Sound familiar to anyone. I often think to myself that, sure my obsessive talking was cute when I was little and then it grew to be mildly entertaining as an adult, but when I get old, I mean old, am I going to be the crazy old lady that you try to shut up and pat on the shoulder and give Oveltene or Postum to in hopes that the drink will quite me for even a minute or two, or even better, maybe I will dose off to sleep, you know like old people tend to do. I am feeling your pain already! I don't want you all to hate to be around me..maybe it is difficult already. However, my thoughts are that it gets more and more difficult as I get older, because less interesting things happen to me as I get older and I am being forced to repeat myself. Also, I may not even know that I am repeating myself!! I want to help you all so that you don't have to go through what I went through this afternoon. If (when I am old, not now) you are bored with what I am saying simply say, "Emily, that is so great can I interest you in _____"
Here are somethings to fill in the blanks:
*a good movie
*new cloths
*new shoes
*a famous movie star (I hesitate to name one only because whom ever I name now would totally be old by the time this list is useful and therefore not worthy of mentioning.)
*a new house
*diet coke
*a massage
*a pedicure
*a fabulous dinner
*an evening with Ryan that doesn't include sports
The list goes on, but I am sure that you get the idea. I apologize up front for my future crazy old lady state. I am sure I will turn into one and for those of you that last and continue to be my friends I applaud you. Thank you for sticking with me through all those years. I love you!!
Look I left a comment
This is one of the most funny things that I have ever read. I'm not sure but was I that crazy old lady?
You crack me up. Don't be offended when I fill in the blank. It was your idea.
I will be more than happy to pretend like I am listening to you when you begin ranting in your old age (probably because by then I will be deaf), but don't expect me to change any diapers!
yea, you may get crazy and old and won't stop talking, but can you still cook?
seriously, you will always be a cutie to me. i love everything about you and your darling personality.
so, i guess you will become a crazy old cutie patootie!
that's not so bad, is it?
This post is hilarious. Craig and I always talk about how when you get older you just start to get weirder(I think I made that word up) We always tell each other that if we start to act weird we need to tell each other no matter what even if we don't want to hear it. So if you want, I will have the same pact with you!
Nice! Where did you get that picture? ?
I love the remodeling pix! Oh, what fun you are having right now. . .
I will come up and see sometime soon!
You are so funny. I love guessing your movie quote. Katie is amazing, I would not have won your last quote. But I have one for you... "Your doing it wrong."
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