Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Golf Widow

I have been "happily" married and I repeat "happily" married for almost 14 years. I believe the reason for my happiness is because my husband (okay and me too sometimes) lives a pretty pampered life. Most of you are aware of the fact that my husband is out of town on a somewhat regular basis (that is NOT why I am happy). He enjoys camping, backpacking, mountain biking and other sundries things. Well, this weekend my husband is in Oregon on a golf trip. Yes, I am sure many of you are wondering how Ryan could play any more golf, but yes, it is true. My happiness I have found stems from the fact that he always seems to return from his trips in a much better mood then when he left and therefore life is good. My mood however sometimes could use a little boost... let me tell you a little about my day as a golf widow left to care for the dear children all on my own.

6:30- day begins running to the bathroom because it appears Kate's stomach flu has been kindly given to dear mom (of course while dad is gone, never a day off!)

7:30- must get uniform out of dryer (load done at 12:30 pm when son reminded me it needed to be clean for the game) because Marshall is being picked up in 10 minutes for his game.

8:30- still running to the bathroom, must shower get Kate ready and get her to her soccer game, meeting NaNa at game.

10:00- meet NaNa at corner to show her where the game is and rush Kate to game (hoping there is a bathroom)

10:45- get a surprise call from mother-in-law that she is at my house, that looks like I feel, and wants me to meet her there and show her the living hell that I live in. Oh, with a smile on my face. Can't disappoint the mother-in-law!!

11:30- stop at Maverick for a Diet Coke, there is no way I will make it through the day without one.

11:32- spill my Diet Coke down the front of myself, while wearing all white!!! Buy treats for Kate because need to rush to ALPINE to get Marsahll from his baseball game.

11:40- Kate spills all her candy in the car. (I don't own a Mom car, I own a sweet ass Audi!)I hear "oopps, sorry mom."

11:41- I start laughing hysterically because it isn't even noon and my life sucks, I have Diet Coke down the front of me, I need a bathroom to safe my life, and my husband is off playing GOLF and the only thing that I can think to do is laugh.

It made me think of this one time I was in the car with Marshall and he was giving me always. I finally said to him, "Marshall, you should be nice to me, I went through the valley of the shadow of death for you. You have no idea. I couldn't even walk for like a week after I had you." You know what that kid said to me. He said, "You couldn't walk for a week, I couldn't walk for like a year!"

Life is hard and funny all at the same time. You are all probably reading this thinking that my day was probably not that bad, but to me it sucked. But, here are some adorable pictures of my kids at their games. So, in the end it is always worth it. And if my husband finds a computer and looks at my blog I have only one thing to say, "You better be having fun!"


nana said...

I'm sorry that you had such a bad day. I loved seeing Kate play soccer! What a cutie! I love to see Marshall play as well. I always wanted to be a "Soccer Mom" now I can be a "Soccer Nana!

heather said...

Sorry you had such a crappy day. It seems like most of the time you have days like that when your husband is gone. Mine are usually when Byron is on call. Like the times in the winter when he leaves at 6:30 a.m. and at 6:32 a.m. it starts to snow and by 8:30 a.m. when it's time to take the kids to school there is 2 feet of snow in the driveway. Stuff like that is uncanny. Hope today was better, the music is fun!

meg said...
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meg said...

oh em! I hate days like that. A couple of weeks ago I spilled a huge class of milk all over my kitchen floor and cabinets. Once I had cleaned it all up, I poured another glass and walked into the other room to grab something -with the milk in my hand..real bad move- and I spilled the entire glass all over the couch!! This was all within 25 minutes and all I could say when I dropped the milk for the second time was, "Are you kidding me?" and later......"thank heavens for micro-fiber."

Starr said...

Hey Emily. Cute pictures! I hope you don't mind if I read your blog sometimes! You can read mine if you're bored too :) Sorry about the DC, it always seems like you spill only when you're wearing white.

Mandee said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has crappy days and sassy kids. You are a good, good wife to let your husband golf as much as he does. Make sure you remind him of that.

Denice said...

Ok, do you even read comments on old posts??
I just have to laugh, because I SWEAR I have those kids of days ALL OF THE TIME!!! Glad it is not just me. . .
Last night, Pieter's cousin was in town from Holland, and took us all to dinner. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive, however, the power went out in the restaurant and I found myself in a dark bathroom with my daughter who had the flu and couldn't get out of the stall for long enough for me to tell my husband we had to leave!! So I drove home, running on 5 hours of sleep, starving to death, GRACIOUSLY volunteering to take our toddler with Alyssa and I so Pieter could enjoy dinner, and covering Alyssa's lap with a blanket because we couldn't find anything else in case she lost her cookies on the way home!! All I could think as I drove away was "Boy, do you OWE ME!!"