Sunday, September 23, 2007

She's the man Movie Trailer

Watch the entire trailer to see the movie quote! It is there at the end!


Amber said...

When I first saw the movie quote I had no idea, which confirmed that I am terrible at this game. However, when no one else knew the answer I felt much better. Yes, I have seen this movie, but still could not place the quote. I think one of your advantages is the fact you see movies more than once. So unless it is a Disney movie, it is unlikely that I will get it. It is still fun to play! Thanks for keeping us guessing.

Mandee said...

That looks like a funny movie- we'll have to rent it. Is it out on video yet?

emily said...

Mandee, yes it is on video and it is FABULOUS, just so you know it is rated PG-13, but it is a mild, very mild PG-13 rating, I let my 7 year old see it. It is a great movie and I thought it was sooo funny. I thought more of you all would have seen it. Sorry.

Starr said...

Your quotes are so hard for me! I have never gotten any of them.

Thanks for the info on the knobs. I haven't gone there yet, but I am totally going! We are supposed to close on our house on Thursday so then I can work on the dresser in the garage when we move! YAY :)

Where do you guys live? We will be right by Liberty Park.